My Life   Leave a comment

I was raped daily for two straight years of my childhood by my uncle. I’m in a gang, my mom calls me a slut, I’m 16, I’m from the hood, and I now fly by my own wings.
Screaming from inside
and I don’t know why
but I’m not gonna cry
you see now I’m more wise
I’m on this mission to fight.
They said why You sad you didn’t fight ednam
but they didn’t see that didn’t mean I didn’t have probs at home,
why wouldn’t they leave me alone
couldn’t they see it was harder for me to be strong
I was raped for 2 years
lived mostly in fear
and when I was ready to open people put me in tears
but this time I wont fear
this time I’ll make a stand and it will stay strong
cuz I’m better than my past I can make it on my own
I’m not looking for your happiness cuz god knowa my soul
and if I hurt yo feelings, sorry now take it and move on
you hurt me too but I still hold on
you broke me to my knees
50 gun woons to the heart and I still breathe
and I wont leave
till god calls me home
it’s me not you
now take it and move on!

Posted November 10, 2011 by Cathy in Uncategorized

I Love Ya Buddy   Leave a comment

My love for you is like diarrhea… i just cant hold it in.

Posted November 4, 2011 by Cathy in Funny Love Poems

Looking For My Love Poem   Leave a comment

I wrote this poem yesterday, after breaking up with my boyfriend. I seem to leave the ones I love, and I just can’t let anyone too close to me.I don’t believe in love, not in the way that I believe it should be, and I know I’ll probably end up alone.

 I just want somebody to love me, let me count the ways.. The ways like when I had someone, and let him go, thinking I could have done better. The ways that I had someone that wasn’t good for me, but I hung on to him even tighter. So, what do I do? Start over? Start from scratch? Then begin again to find that perfect match? Or, maybe, forget about love, and all it’s cracked up to be, that there has never been an “I” that could turn into a “we”. How do I love me?… Maybe, I don’t.

Posted December 17, 2010 by Cathy in Relationship Poems

Growing Into Love   Leave a comment

“Did you really realize what I realize? Because if you don’t, Everything is useless..”

A boy saw a girl, Alone in the playground twirl. The girl wears red ribbon, But it flew Coz’ of the season. The girl and the boy became friends, and friend till they have growned. A year past, girl gave boy a green toy. Boy gave girl laughter and  joy. Months pasted and they are teens, Girl gave BOY a expensive book, Boy said thank you and gave her a hug. Soon as it be, boy ask girl to be his lover, But girl laughed and laughed and laughed. Boy ask his self; Why the girl don’t take him serious? Is it because he didn’t give her material thing? Girl also ask herself; Why boy cant give me material things? Is it because what I gave wasn’t enough? … Or maybe Because, I dont know how to love him? “Did you really realize what I realize? Coz if you dont, Everything is useless..”

Posted December 17, 2010 by Cathy in Relationship Poems

Sad Love   Leave a comment

I wrote this poem about this guy that I truly love.  People say I’m to young to know what LOVE is but….with him…I know that its totally REAL love. but he at one time…loved my best friend.

The stars twinkle above my head. My toes curl with the sand between them. The waves rolling in and slapping the shore. The gulls chirping for their late night snack. Holding hands, entwined together. As tight as we can we hold each other.  I smile on the outside but deep within I fear the worst, thoughts going wild in my head. This night has finally come, my nightmare. The wind rushes past and I shiver, you do nothing but watch.  Sighing you turn away, your signature move, you know how to do that very well. I know what that means, I fear you now.  Without saying a word I walk away from you. You turn and watch me stumble along the shore. Tears swell inside my eyes and fall down my face. It’s over, forever, my nightmare came true.

Posted December 17, 2010 by Cathy in Relationship Poems

I Loved You Poem   Leave a comment

The poem dwindles purposely as the plot unveils…This theme popped into my head as I played with rhyming, style and interesting twists, enjoy.

I held in my hands a bouquet of her favorite flowers, their fragrance lightly perfuming the afternoon air. From a distance I glimpsed the silhouette of her face, the sun rays darted amid clouds to shine on her hair. Her angelic splendor radiated even from afar –I stood for a moment paralyzed by her beauty. The tears collected in my eyes and streamed down, the love I felt for her suddenly captivating me. She said not a word as I stood before her. She smiled quietly as I kneeled to the floor. From my pocket I revealed a white box, and produced a wedding ring from its core. I closed my eyes and imagined what her response would be. But when I opened them she said nothing, and I left burning with her memory. For usually a joyous occasion, on my anniversary I was left alone. My only companion – her picture, framed atop her tombstone.

Posted December 17, 2010 by Cathy in Love Poems

I Still Love You Poem   Leave a comment

At times I feel like I ain’t important.

You said I was not for you, well I wasn’t. I was the girl who loved you but you didn’t get it. Now I need to let you go but I can’t. Why? I ask myself but I just don’t know why. I cry every night for someone to help me with the pain. But no one i s there I need help. Why did I need to go through this, I’m made fun of, no one likes me some one please help me.

Posted December 17, 2010 by Cathy in Relationship Poems

Love Sometimes Hurts Poem   Leave a comment

When your love is not appreciated, you can’t move on because you strongly love him/her. etc.

 Stuck, Unappreciated You just love And never get loved back. You offer more than a snack All you get is a fat smack. You are smart But still never let go, because you are stuck. Stuck in the mud of love, like a truck. Stuck with your stupid mad love, and it sucks. You are too blind to see the fact. That you are not on the same track. You are just a jerk thinking you are on the same hill Like Jill and jack.

Posted December 17, 2010 by Cathy in Relationship Poems

Cry About Lost Love Poem   Leave a comment

Hello everyone, I have written poems a few times, I have submit a few to the Library of congress. I hope you all enjoy this poem.

How I longed for your love night and day, now I know that your heart can’t stay. As I lay with the river of my tears,I long for your sent. The sinful night that we spent I can not repent for if I ask god forgiveness I will lose a part of you. I lay as the moon smothers my wet face and hushes me to bed as the dark throws a blanket to my heart even if tomorrow will be day it will be forever night for I am from you a part.

Posted December 17, 2010 by Cathy in Love Poems

Be Careful Poem   Leave a comment

I met someone and for the first time I am out of my rational judgment.

I, who don’t feel ashame, how dare I

 I, living in a dream, forget the reality

 I, who never imagine, who forget everything, who can differentiate, between reality and dream.

 I, will kill all the feelings, will burn all the love but,

I made my mistake, by telling, and I got hurt.

 I told, I hurt cause I, giving love without hope.

my fault…………..

Posted December 17, 2010 by Cathy in Relationship Poems